We offer a wide range of landlord insurance from rent protection to buildings and contents. Cover can be incepted at the click of a button or can be fully automated.

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If landlords rely on rental income to meet their buy-to-let mortgage payments, what happens when tenants stop paying their rent?

We know this can be financially catastrophic for landlords. We provide a rent guarantee policy that will cover unpaid rent of up to £30,000 in a 12 month period. In addition, cover for 3 months post possession cover in proviced. Landlords are also fully protected with £50,000 of legal expenses insurance. We even provide a free legal helpline.

Features & Benefits

[ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”14″ icon_margin=”8″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Loss of rent up to £2,500 per month

We will pay up to a maximum of £2,500 per month for any unpaid rent covering a period of up to 12 months[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Maximum loss of rent £30,000

We will pay up to a maximum of £30,000 for any unpaid rent during the policy term[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Nil excess

There is no excess to pay in the event of a claim[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Legal expenses cover up to £50,000

After an incident of physical damage, to get possession, pursue an eviction or recover unpaid rent[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Alternative accomodation cover up to £5,250

We will pay up to £5,250 of alternative accomodation where you are seeking possession of a property you need to live in[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Storage costs £450

We will contribute £450 towards the cost of storage of your personal possessions for a maximum of 30 days[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]Mediation Service

We will try and resolve any disputes through mediation[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-check” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”circle” icon_color_bg=”#893185″]24/7 free legal helpline

Free access to legal advice and guidance[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]